As the curtains of the ASI Mission 2000 & beyond project in Panama neared its close, we took the eight-hour trip to the City of Panama to participate in the annual Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) Convention which was held August 16-19, 2017, at Riu Hotel under the theme “Committed to Wellness and Service.”
Special welcome and commendation to the group were given by Pastor Leon B. Wellington, Secretary of ASI Inter-America and former Vice President of the Inter-American Division (IAD). Chief Coordinator of the Mission project, Sister Marvalee Franklyn, in giving her report of the work done by the missionaries in West Panama, encouraged the businessmen and women.
“As business owners, lawyers and health professionals, we must use our talents and gifts to help others find their talents and disciple them to fulfil the mission,” said Franklyn.
“We have a responsibility to lay plans to benefit those around us who are dying and going to eternity without a knowledge of God,” she added.
The group participated by giving an exhortation and a beautiful rendition of the song “Ride on King Jesus.” Receiving special awards for
fifteen years of unbroken service in the mission field were Pastors Nicole English and Jamiel Blackman from the Tobago and Barbados contingency respectively.
Leader and coordinator of the Jamaican Contingency Elder Claudette Genas received high commendation from the Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) President, Pastor Everett Brown who expressed how proud he was for the work of Elder Genas and her team from the East Jamaica Conference (EJC).
“The angels in heaven and Jesus Christ your savior, are very proud of you,” said Brown in his address to the group.
EJC President, Pastor Eric Nathan, told the group that he was very proud of them.