The Rest Store Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in South Manchester, launched its “Soup Kitchen” on October 19, 2017, as it celebrates 43 years of service to its community during the observance of the annual Week of Kindness.
The plans for the “Soup Kitchen” which is a vision of the Community Services Department, under the leadership of Merle Smith, started a few years ago, however, budgetary constraints delayed the project coming to fruition until now. The Kitchen is realized from proceeds of the sale of sweet potatoes, organized by the community services department, and contribution from several donors/benefactors.
Main Speaker for the occasion, Pastor Everett Smith, Community Services Director at Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (CJC) commended the Church while reminding the audience that “community service is more than cooking food and giving out clothes.” He further noted that “Christianity is more than coming to Church, but people will know we are Christians by our love.”
In bringing greetings, the Member of Parliament of the South Manchester Constituency, Mr. Michael Stewart, commended the Church on the initiative and emphasized that nutrition is fundamental to the welfare of all citizens”.