Servants of God are charged to go beyond the walls of a building and take the message to the streets, as it is said that the Lord will not put in His appearance until His message reaches all the corners of the earth.
Communications director at the Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Pastor Damian Chambers, is one such tasked servant of God, and Family & Religion will be sharing a few of his sermons from his ‘Homeward Bound Crusade’ in the community of Ellen Street.
Quite a number of persons wish they had the opportunity to not work and live comfortably from a possible lotto jackpot. Though their chances are extremely thin, some will spend their last dime on a ticket to their dreams.
But according to Chambers, what if that effort were transferred to loving and obeying Jesus? Would the outcome not be different? Would they not be happier?
“Happiness is one of the greatest pursuits of the human heart. It is one of the reasons why those who are single desire to be married because they think marriage will make them happy. It is the reason some people will spend all they have to get a visa to the land of America.”
He added: “The Bible tells us of one person who not only desired happiness in these things, but he had it in abundance. The book of Ecclesiastes, chapters 1-12, tells us about King Solomon. The Bible tells us that he did many things to try to make himself happy from the wealth that he had amassed. He had many building projects; he had many reservoirs of water; he had male and female slaves; he had much silver and gold; singers; 700 wives and 300 concubines. Solomon said, ‘Whatever my heart desired, I did not restrain myself from it’.”