Good Samaritan Inn Receives Dental Xray Machine

The Seventh-day Adventist run Good Samaritan Inn (GSI) Dental Clinic was the recipient of a state of the art dental x-ray machine which was acquired through the partnership of the CHASE Fund and the kind assistance of sponsors and participants in the Good Samaritan 5K Health Run/Walk.

The machine was handed over by the Good Samaritan 5K /Run Walk Committee at an official handover ceremony on May 16, 2018 which was attended by leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA)  in East Jamaica Conference (EJC), Dr. Christopher Tufton, Minister of Health, Senator, Dr. Floyd Morris, Patron of the GSI 5K Health Walk/Run  Event, Mrs. Paulette Mitchell, Project Manager of the Chase Fund, Mark Golding  and Rev. Ronald Thwaites, Members of Parliament for constituencies served by the Inn.

Dr. Eric Nathan, President of the SDA Church in EJC and Chairman of the Good Samaritan Inn Board accepted the XZeal Z70-AC x-ray machine on behalf of the church and GSI and thanked the Chase Fund for partnering with the church to provide the machine which would enhance ministry to the people served by the GSI.

“I want to say thanks to the management of the Chase Fund in partnership with the Andrews 5K Health Run/Walk Committee for

helping us here at the Good Samaritan Inn offer better ministry to the community who are the real recipients of all we do here,” said Nathan.

In his address, Health Minister, Dr. Christopher Tufton commended the work being done by the Good Samaritan Inn and the Seventh-day Adventist Church  and called both  of them “model institutions.”

“I admire the work of the Good Samaritan Inn based on its goals and objectives and the work it has been doing over time,” Tufton said. “I also have special admiration for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for its focus on the holistic being,” he added.

According to the Minister partnerships play a critical role in the public sector for organizations to meet certain objectives.  He applauded the partnership that was forged between the Andrews Church and the Chase Fund to help the GSI Health Clinic acquire an  X-ray machine.

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