His voice, was as clear as crystal, but it was what six-year-old Dakarai Williams said that held thousands of worshipers in rapt attention at the Lord Transform Me Convention held at the Montego Bay Convention Center in Jamaica on Feb. 9, 2019.
“Two years ago l was asked to be baptized but l said, I cannot get baptize and go to heaven leaving my mother behind to go to hell,” said Dakarai. “It touched my mom’s heart. She must have seen how sad l looked. But Guess what!” asked Dakarai and, instantaneously came the response from the congregation, “What?” With excitement in his voice Dakarai said, “My mom gave her heart to Jesus!”
Dakarai’s personal testimony stirred a chorus of amen from the congregation and also included were the Adventist world church leaders and its President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson and his wife Nancy. The entire day’s program was carried live on the internet and aired on the Adventist-run NCU radio station.
Mary Meeks, Dakarai’s mom, later informed that it all began while he was attending the Trench Town Adventist church school and he was invited to witness his teacher’s baptism at the Greenwich Town Adventist Church in Kingston. After the service, Theresa Wint another teacher, asked Dakarai if he wanted to be baptized too. “No,” he said with a hesitant, thought provoking look. Wint persisted, “but why”? What came next from the little four year-old’s mouth shocked her. “I cannot get baptized, because I don’t want to go heaven and leave my mother to go to hell.”