Omar Oliphant, created history in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica by becoming the first ordained minister to become an attorney-at-law. He was admitted to the Jamaican Bar on Dec. 7, 2017, in a ceremony held at the Jamaican Supreme Court in Kingston.
Oliphant, who pastors a district of five churches with a membership of over 1,000 is also the communication and youth director of the church’s northern region comprising St. Ann and Trelawny. He graduated from the University of the West Indies September, after completing the three-year LLB (Bachelor of Laws) degree program in two years and graduated in 2015 with honors before successfully completing all levels of his legal training at the Norman Manley Law School. His area of specialization is civil law.
The rigorous of legal studies were no match for the grit, determination and perseverance of Pastor Oliphant who despite his various professional, work responsibilities and family, overcame the onerous task of working in St. Ann while studying in Kingston, which is about 65 miles away.
In describing the experience, the father of two children confessed that “this was the most trying period of my life but one which brought not only new opportunities to learn, but clearly revealed the providential love of God.”
“God supplied my every need. I am truly amazed at how beautifully the Lord Himself provided and placed the pieces together….it was certainly not by might,” said Oliphant, who also serves on several denominational and civic boards.