CJC Family plunged into Mourning over Pastor’s Death

Pastors, workers and members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Central Jamaica Conference are in mourning over the death of their colleague, friend and Pastor–Wilton Mckoy.

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Pastor Wilton Mckoy | Credits: File Photo

Pastor Wilton Mckoy, former Pastor of the Spaulding District of Churches, died on May 16, 2017, approximately 8 PM at the Hargreaves Memorial Hospital in Mandeville after developing complications following a surgery.

Pastor Mckoy, who joined CJC in 2014 from the North Jamaica Conference, was a committed, hard-working and faithful worker. So said Pastor Levi Johnson, President of CJC.

“It was totally a shock”, said Pastor Johnson. “I thought Mrs. Mckoy was joking when she told me of her husband’s passing. There were no warning signs.”

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