Clergyman warns against ‘baby-making machines’ in western Jamaica

Forthright Montego Bay cleric Glen Samuels has blasted parents who carelessly procreate unplanned children, who, because of the lack of guidance in the home, indulge in criminal activities and become a menace to the society.

“Napoleon of France said if France will have good mothers, France will have good children. We must challenge the irresponsible sexual conduct of our females, and our young males, stop becoming baby-making machines. We must have responsible homes,” Pastor Samuels insisted.

“We cannot produce enough police officers to change every youngster prone to going astray. A case must be made, therefore, for more responsible parenting, a case must be made for responsible fathers, a case must be made.”

Pastor Glen Samuels

Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte concurred with the clergyman, adding that more needs to be done to inculcate good values in the homes.

“We have a lot to do in Jamaica because the first institution, which is the family, has been so fragmented and so broken and the things that should have been taught and learnt in the context of the family, to a large extent in so many cases, have not been so taught and learnt. And the issues spill over in a way that they shouldn’t, and we all have to deal with the consequences,” Malahoo Forte argued.

Both were speaking at the inaugural Annual Security Forces and Youth Mentorship Prayer Breakfast, put on by the West Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists at their conference centre in Mount Salem, St James recently.

Pastor Samuels explained that the gesture was a show of appreciation for the members of the security forces stationed in the parish since the declaration of the State of Public Emergency (SOE) and the Zone of Special Operations in Mount Salem.

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