Crowds Flock to Adventist Churches for Safety in Ukraine

Adventist Mission is preparing emergency funds to help Seventh-day Adventist churches in Ukraine care for hundreds of displaced people flocking to their premises for food, shelter, and transportation to safety.

Adventist Mission is collecting funds for its Hope in Crisis initiative in response to an appeal from Adventist Mission’s director for Ukraine, Leonid B. Rutkovskiy, and additional funds have been earmarked for regular allocations during the crisis, said Jeff Scoggins, planning director at Adventist Mission.

“If we can meet their needs where they need it the most, this is the time to act,” Scoggins said.

Ukrainian churches have been inundated, with 50-100 people arriving at each church every night since armed conflict erupted on February 24, 2022.

“People are entering our church buildings, seeking a safe haven for themselves,” Rutkovskiy said by e-mail.

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