Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department involves the following areas:
- Sabbath School
- Personal Ministries
- Community Services
- Urban Ministries
- Special Needs Ministries
- Bible Correspondence School ( online studies)
- Centre of Influence for community services
- Prison Ministries
- Nurturing and retention
Mission Statement
The mission of this department is to proclaim the everlasting gospel, train, win, keep and encourage everyone to become an active member of the Sabbath School and share Christ always.
Statement of Purpose
As members, we are called to be light in the darkness, salt for the nourishments of humanity, and a leaven for the lump of dough.
To Members
- To encourage members of the church to participate fully in the Sabbath School by studying the daily lessons and share their inspiration and become actively involved in the mission of the church.
- Provide religious education that is age appropriate for the membership so that they can become acquainted with the word of God, established in the faith and share their personal experience with Christ.
- Encourage Christian fellowship and friendship to assist in spiritual growth, strengthening of members and faithfulness to Christ and the mission.
- To encourage members to work with the community for transforming lives
To Sabbath school teachers/leaders
- To provide resources for training and certifying sabbath School teachers so that they will be properly equipped to lead out in the lesson study.
- To empower sabbath school leaders to make the programme educational and inspirational.
- To help sabbath school teachers to see the importance of the teaching ministry of Christ and seek to emulate Him in this ministry.
To personal ministries leader:
- Encourage Personal Ministries leaders to ensure that every members sees mission as the church’s passion and each member’s responsibility.
- To help personal ministries leader to encourage each member to be actively involve in the mission of the church
- To provide evangelistic activities that members can choose to participate in according to their respective talent, ability and preference.
To Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Directors
- To provide training and equip local sabbath school and personal ministries directors of the fields to effectively execute their role in training sabbath schools and personal ministries leaders in the local congregation to discharge their duties diligently.
Values of the Sabbath School
- Love, care and concern for each member
- Personal involvement in and support for the mission
- Personal Devotion and bible study
- Personal daily Sabbath School lesson study
- Personal involvement with the community
- Age appropriate religious education
- Christian fellowship
- Punctuality
- Faith in God and His words
- Building relationship
- Spirituality
- Attendance