One year ago, the world was thrown into shock and fear when businessman Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United State of America (USA). In a bruising campaign, Trump defied the polls which was showing Mrs. Hillary Clinton as the clear winner to assume leadership of the nation of the free world.
Former President and CEO of the Andrews Memorial Hospital Dr. Patric Rutherford, has used part of his time in retirement to write a book titled “God and President Trump Plus the Rest of Us.” In it, Rutherford successfully presents the importance of following the true, core principles of the Christian faith in ones lives especially in times of political divisiveness and upheaval.

“I decided to write this book because I was troubled in my spirit by the divisiveness of the 2016 political campaign in the United States and the role of some Church leaders in openly supporting candidates whose words and conduct were opposite to the values of the Christian faith,” said Rutherford. “I also received numerous phone calls from people concerned about the future of the United States and the world under the leadership of President Trump and thought I should write something to remind all that ultimately the world is in God’s hands and we need to trust Him to guide us into the future” he said.
The author examines the positive role faith has played in past governance. He highlights the importance of living by Christ’s example – a lesson that should be embraced not just by presidents, but by all.
Each chapter provides fundamental ideas, questions and arguments to help the reader understand the importance of living a God-centred life and following true Christian principles in our political decisions and in our civil discourse – especial for our political leaders.
“True Christianity transcends the conduct of politicians who hijack the name Christian for political reasons even though their lives and conduct does not reflect Christian principles,” explained Rutherford. According to him, “ultimately all political leaders will answer to God who holds the future of our world in his hands. God has a plan for this world that guarantees that love will win in the end therefore those who choose love over hate are already winners.”
The launch of the book took place on Saturday, September 23, 2017 at the University College of the Caribbean (UCC) in St. Andrew.
Rutherford, who now resides in Miami, Florida says he hopes that the book will inspire hope in these times of political uncertainties and encourage people to choose moral values over political expediency.
“This book is to remind the Christian community that our Christian principles should be our guide in the selection of leaders. When the person that is chosen does not meet our ideal we should trust God who allows it for a reason while at the same time do our part to hold our leaders accountable” he continued.

“The hand of God has shown—written through the march of time—that evil will not triumph in the end. Greed, selfishness, and hatred destroy themselves, and love ultimately wins,” Rutherford added.
The book is available at the Andrews Memorial Hospital Pharmacy, East Jamaica Conference Resource Centre and Island Pharmacy – New Kingston.