GC Session Delegates Vote in IAD Secretary and Treasurer

Hours after the General Conference Session delegates voted to elect Pastor Elie Henry as president of the Inter-American Division on Jun. 8, 2022, Pastors Leonard Johnson and Filiberto Verduzco were elected as executive secretary, and treasurer respectively for the next three years.

Leonard Johnson has served as executive secretary of the church in the Inter-American Division since 2018. Prior to that he served as the president of the Atlantic Caribbean Union based in Nassau, The Bahamas. He also served as associate ministerial director for the IAD while serving as union president.


Pastor Leonard Johnson (third from right) and his wife Denise smile as they are presented to the General Conference Session delegation, in St. Louis, Missouri, United States, on Jun. 8, 2022. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Johnson is an ordained minister and holds a Doctorate in Ministry from the Reformed Theological Seminary. He has more than 40 years of denominational service in the Inter-American Division territory.

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