Hagley Park Prep. School stages successful Career Day Expo

Students of Hagley Park Prep. School were given the freedom to dress in the career uniform of their choice  for a day and exposed to different career options during their Career Day Expo  which was held on the school compound on February 2, 2017.

School principal, Dr. Paulene Gayle-Betten was pleased that the school had successfully staged several activities during Career Week which gave the students the opportunity to see and hear from different people in a variety of organizations.

“The aim of the Career Week was to expose the children to different career choices from an early age so they don’t have to wait until they get to high school or college to make these decisions,” said the school principal.

“This year we did something really different. We sent children from different classes on career tours which took them to several organizations for them to see people at work and how they operate,” Dr. Gayle-Betten said.

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