Hope Channel Inter-America Continues Expanding Six Years Later

As Hope Channel Inter-America (HCIA) began its sixth year since its three channels were officially launched, regional channel coordinators and media center personnel recently gathered to strengthen its administrative, production, and distribution strategies in the pursuit of reaching more people with the gospel.

The more than two dozen leaders also reviewed current practices, reinforced the television brand, networked together, and studied upcoming collaborative production projects during two-days of advisory meetings Sep. 14-15, 2022.  Media center managers also shared their experiences and current projects during the meetings at the Inter-American Division office in Miami, Florida, United States.


Hope Channel Inter-America Executive Director Abel Márquez speaks to the two dozen union coordinators and media staff during the network’s advisory meetings in Miami, Florida, United States, Sep. 14-15, 2022. The event was part of administrative, production, and distribution strategies training in the pursuit of reaching more people with the gospel. [Photo: IAD Media]

Continue growing the network


“We are very thankful and blessed to continue offering more programming for the millions of people living throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory with our official Hope Channel Inter-America network,” said Abel Márquez, executive director of HCIA. “We are not like other Hope channel networks that have a main production center, but we are blessed to have 19 production centers that focus on feeding the channels from their respective regions.”

HCIA runs three television channels, one for each of the official languages in the territory – English, Spanish and French.


German Rodríguez (left) director of Hope Media in Southeast Mexico speaks to Misael González director of Hope Media in Panama during a networking segment during the two day advisory meetings. [Photo: IAD Media]

The meetings were not just about producing more and more television programs but more about collaborations to grow together and expand HCIA moving forward after six years. Márquez shared the expansion of the HCIA offices in the IAD Headquarters office this year providing more studio, podcast, designing, filming, and editing opportunities for television programs. In addition, Márquez shared plans to complete re-designing the main auditorium’s stage to be used for television programs and events for the channel by the end of the year


HCIA regional coordinators and media staff were briefed on programming analysis including featured series, shorts, and programs in the three languages.


Lizbeth Elejalde, programming director of HCIA leads during one of several presentations on current series and feature of the channel and more.[Photo: IAD Media]

Currently, HCIA features 62 on-demand programs with the most producing for the channel including Hope Media Centers in Montemorelos University in Mexico, in North Colombia, North Mexico, in French Antilles and Guiana, Haiti, and from the IAD office in Miami.


“Hope Channel Inter-America is ahead with the most on-demand varied exclusive program produced by our very own media centers,” reported Lizbeth Elejalde, production assistant and programming for HCIA. The growth has seen one or two series premieres every month on-demand.

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