Inter-America to Hold Special Centennial Celebration on May 11th

Seventh-day Adventist leaders in Inter-America will launch a special centennial celebration on May 11, 2022, to commemorate the official organization of the Inter-American Division (IAD) since 1922. The reflection ceremony will draw Adventist world church leaders, as well as former IAD leaders and staff, during the special live event held from Miami, Florida, United States.

“We’re excited to highlight the historical initiation and development of the Inter-American Division since it was organized in May 1922,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the church in Inter-America and main organizer of the centennial celebrations. “The Inter-American Division has followed fundamental principles which have guided the organization and helped transform the lives of so many dedicated members in fulfilling the mission throughout the last 100 years,” said Braham.

It’s important to reflect and continue the momentum of helping people build passion towards preparing a people for the Second Coming of Christ, he said.

The three-hour live program will feature a special address by President of the Adventist World Church Pastor Ted Wilson and fellow administrators Erton Kohler, executive secretary and Paul Douglas, treasurer, greetings from world division leaders, IAD administrators as well as messages from former church leaders and staff members who worked in the Division headquarters in years past.

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