Seventh-day Adventist employees at the Inter-American Division (IAD) Headquarters in Miami, Florida, took time away from their desks to wave in drivers and onlookers nearby in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month. The two dozen women wore special t-shirts and passed out gift bags with treats, brochures on breast cancer information and offered prayers on Oct. 18, 2017.
The activity was part of showing solidarity for one of the staff members at the office who has been undergoing treatment with the disease, said Jainie Pita, human resources director at the IAD and one of the organizers of the initiative.
“It was so wonderful to be able to put work aside and share with our office community about breast cancer awareness,” said Pita. “Many of us know someone who has breast cancer or has gone through it or has relatives or friends with the disease so it was an activity that was embraced by so many in the office.”
“We passed out more than 175 bags and prayed with many of those who stopped by,” said Pita.
The initiative was the first community outreach planned in collaboration with women’s ministries and health ministries departments.