Inter-America’s 16th ASi’s Convention Opens Focusing Members to Wellness and Service

Inter-America’s Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) Annual Convention kicked off last night in Panama City, Panama, challenging Adventist business owners, lawyers and health professionals from across the vast territory to trust God’s providence and commit to seeking wellness in the church and the community.

ASi is an organization of the Seventh-day Adventist laypeople involved in professions, industry, education and/or services and exists to challenge, nurture and provide experience in sharing Christ in the marketplace as well as supporting the church’s worldwide mission. The annual convention offers delegates seminars, presentations, forums, Q&A sessions, networking opportunities and a chance to present projects as well.

Bearing flags and folklore attire, delegates from each ASi chapter represented in the IAD celebrated the diversity that brings them together and to spread the hope of the gospel in their marketplaces and communities.

During the keynote address, IAD President Pastor Israel Leito encouraged the delegation to put their trust wholeheartedly in God and persevere patiently as they fulfill the mission of the church in their businesses, medical practices and law offices.

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