NCU To Strengthen Hybrid Learning

Northern Caribbean University (NCU) is ready to push its strategic plan for hybrid learning that will extend its global reach.

Director of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Public Relation at the institution, Byron Buckley, said the institution uses learning management system Aeorion; however, the need for increased online learning has strengthened its resolve in meeting the demand of the current market.

“We are fully online, all while addressing the issues some of the students have with connectivity.” Buckley said. “The only exception we have now are for international students with special cases and for those persons who have to come in during the days to complete labs that cannot be done online, those who have no device and need to use our computer labs, as well as those who need to connect to the Wi-Fi, and that’s a small number.”

He said the hybrid delivery will foster a blended approach; however, there will be programmes offered online in full.

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