Newly Elected Conference Officers

At the fifth quadrennial session of the Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-day Adventists which convened on 8th and 9th of December 2019 at the George Town Adventist Church, Pastor Reinaldo Dracket (Center) was elected to serve as president of the conference, Pastor Andrew Campbell (Right) as Executive Secretary and Mr. John E. Wesley (Left) as Chief Financial Officer.  In addition, departmental directors and the members of the Executive Committee, the governing body of the conference, were elected to serve for the next four years.

Leaders from the wider organisation of the Adventist Church, Dr. Gamaliel Flores, education director from the Inter-American Division, and the three officers from Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU), President Dr. Peter Kerr, Dr. Cheryl Rolle, executive secretary, and Elder Roderick Sands, chief financial officer were present to oversee the process.

In attendance were 173 delegates consisting of regular delegates and delegates at large representing the 16 organised Adventist Churches, pastors, conference office workers, Cayman Academy, members of the Executive Committees from the Cayman Islands Conference and the Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU), headquarters in Nassau, Bahamas and the three officers from the other fields in ATCU.  The Constitution and Bylaws of the Cayman Islands Conference require that a constituency meeting be held every four years to elect leaders.

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