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Medellin, Colombia | Libna Stevens/IAD

More than 350 Adventist professionals and church leaders gathered at the Colombia Adventist University Church in Medellin, Colombia. Image by Camilo Rodriguez/Daniela Arrieta

Seventh-day Adventist business owners and professionals from across the Inter-American Division (IAD) were challenged to connect, empower and transform their lives and those around them as the Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) concluded its annual convention in Medellin, Colombia, Aug. 20, 2016.

Some 350 Adventist professionals and church leaders networked together, renewed their commitment to sharing Christ through their businesses, and reaffirmed their passion to fulfill the mission of the church, during the four-day conference held at Colombia’s Adventist University campus.

The convention carried the theme “Connected, Empowered, and Transformed,” which follows the IAD’s quinquennial initiative coined as “Lord Transform Me” and the Adventist World Church’s “Total Member Involvement,” initiative. Seminars on professional development and business management, exhibitions, prayer and worship sessions were part of this year’s 15th annual ASi Inter-America Convention.

IAD President Pastor Israel Leito speaks to ASi members in Inter-America during the convention. Image by Theodore Jaria/IAD

Sabbath Keynote Speaker Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, encouraged ASi members and church administrators and leaders to work closer together to reach more for the Kingdom of God.

“We want our Adventist professional laypersons to be involved in all levels of the church life,” said Pastor Leito. “We need highly experienced business owners and managers to bring their experience and knowledge to work together with the church to reach out to this needy world.”

It’s about getting our members involved in the life of the church, reaching those in need of a Savior, explained Pastor Leito. “ASi is a blessing that the Lord has bestowed on His church, where the experience of all, the knowledge of every one, the initiatives of all, can work together, under the leading of the Spirit to achieve the impossible.”

The convention also featured a Adventist Lawyers Convention where dozens of lawyers, law students and church leaders took part in a forum to highlight, discuss and formulate solutions to contemporary legal issues and challenges affecting the Adventist Church today.

During the lawyer’s convention, General Counsel for the General Conference Karnik Doukmetzian highlighted the importance for Adventist lawyers to be educated in the different subjects featured in the news and how it affects their faith, issues of Religious Liberty, and national importance that impact society. “They should know what the church’s views and positions are so when they are asked they can answer correctly.”

General Counsel for the General Conference Karnik Doukmetzian speaks during the Inter-America’s first ever Lawyers Convention. Image by Camilo Rodriguez/Daniela Arrieta

One of the biggest problems lawyers face is being able to be Christians and represent individuals in society especially when they are charged with a crime, said Doukmetzian. “How do you defend a criminal when you’re an Adventist lawyer? Working between their faith, their duties as lawyers and the different role of the Adventist lawyer to make sure they do both: to do justice, to act with mercy and be humble before God.”

A coordinating committee to look into the possibility of forming an Adventist Lawyers Association for Inter-America was established during the convention.

Pastor Leon B. Wellington, vice president of the church in Inter-America and secretary of ASi Inter-America said it was important to gather Adventist lawyers for a first congress alongside the ASi convention.

“Many of our lawyers are already ASi members and are involved in Religious Liberty Advocacy in their locale,” said Pastor Wellington. “This event was doubly important because it highlights their ministry to the church, and as a group, form stronger linkages with ASi which provides an avenue through which they [lawyers] can have an outlet for ministry as well.”

ASi organizers were happy that more union presidents and conference administrators from throughout the IAD attended the convention this year.

Chapter members from the 12 ASi IAD chapters reported on their on-going projects and new projects to benefit the community.

ASi Inter-America Secretary Pastor Leon B. Wellington said that increasing the number of chapters in the territory remains a priority. Image by Camilo Rodriguez/Daniela Arrieta

The offering collected during the convention will go toward a new simplified transmission system from North Colombia’s Esperanza Colombia Radio in 80 rural areas where access to the internet is limited. The project will need to gather resources and necessary permits granted by Colombia’s Ministry Information Technologies and Communication, which the president of the Senate in Colombia Mauricio Lizcano Arango spoke in support of the project during the convention.

“Our message is that we will work with you from the national government to facilitate your work in favor of communities,” said Lizcano. “We are going to assist so that network of stations that the Adventist Church wants to have in different places in the country can become a reality.”

Outgoing ASi Inter-America President Marston Thomas, who served as ASI IA for more than five years, reported that many ASi-ers have conducted seminars, evangelistic campaigns and bible studies which have resulted in new members.

“We commend those who have extended help to various communities, health projects and facilities to take care of the sick, feeding thousands and providing homes for the homeless,” Thomas said.

The challenge of increasing the number of ASi chapters in Inter-America continues to be a priority, said Pastor Wellington. “Our objective is to establish ASi chapters in every union in our Division.” So far there are 12 ASi chapters and some are more active than others, explained Wellington.

“We plan to continue to welcome more of our Adventist professions to engage more in church life on a larger level than just in their congregations,” Wellington added.

ASi Inter-America convention delegates. Image by Camilo Rodriguez/Daniela Arrieta

New ASi Officers for the 2016-2018 term were voted to include:

Rolando Garcia, President
Leon B. Wellington, Secretary
Ivelisse Herrera, Treasurer
Margarita Aponte, Vice President (Spanish)
Oscar Oltalvaro, Vice President (Spanish)
Mario Pacahuala, Vice President (Mexico)
Rohan Riley, Vice President (English)
Jean Holder, Vice President (French)
Eugene Benjamin, Vice President for Projects and Evangelism
Marston Thomas, Public Relations
Luz Marina Noriega, Floor Member
Armando Foster, Floor Member

Next year’s ASi Inter-America Convention is scheduled to be held in Panama City, Panama, August 16-19, 2017.

For more on ASi Inter-America, visit

To view a photo gallery of the 15th ASi Inter-America Convention, click HERE

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