Notice for the Sixth Quadrennial Session – Central Jamaica Conference

Notice is hereby given that the Sixth Quadrennial Session of the Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will convene at Camp Verley, Spring Gardens, St. Catherine, on Thursday, June 16 – Friday, June 17, 2022.

Registration will commence at 7:00 a.m. on June 16, 2022. The Opening Ceremony will begin at 8:00 a.m. The Business Session will begin at 9:00 a.m.

This session is called to:

  1. Receive reports from Officers and Departmental Directors.
  2. Elect Officers and Departmental Directors for the next quadrennium.
  3. To vote recommended changes to the Constitution.
  4. Transact such other business as shall be properly brought to the meeting.

Delegates are selected by the local churches according to the terms of the Central Jamaica Conference’s Constitution.

By order,

Howard A Grant, (Pastor)

Executive Secretary