“ It does not take a great mind to be a Christian, but it takes all the mind a man has” wrote Richard C Raines. Those who knew Martin Henry can honestly say that he was a Christian man with a great mind. However, with a bit of imagination, you would hear him respond to this in his mellow baritone voice, “All wisdom comes from God.” This was the magnitude of the man that death took on May 28, 2019.
Martin, might have seemed ordinary; but, his relationship with his Creator brought him extraordinary greatness. For the lessons learnt in his formative years at home and at the Seventh-day Adventist church in Somerset, St Thomas never left him. So began his remarkable journey for 61 years, hand in hand with God and in service to the Seventh-day adventist church.
Martin was very proud of his church and this he professed many times. Four years ago while speaking at a Men’s Convention at the Half-way Tree Adventist Church he said this, “To be a Seventh-day Adventist means something different and special. We are committing ourselves to the scriptures as articulated in the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist church. We are committing ourselves to the principles, articulated in our baptismal vows…We are a peculiar people and one of our sacred responsibility is to understand what this difference means.”
So, he preached, taught, mentored, chaired meetings, helped build churches and did his farming; he shared in the joys and sorrows of ministry. While he did so, excellence was his mantra and he lived by the simple principles – always on time, on target and well prepared.