Despite the rain, ‘Love in the Marketplace’ was well supported and celebrated by church members in and around St William Grant Park, downtown Kingston, Jamaica, on Sabbath, November 28, 2015 at 3pm. The North Street and Heroes Circle Districts of churches (North Street, Arnold Road, Heroes Circle, Ephesus and Cross Road) dominated the eastern, northern, southern and western sections of downtown parade.
The evangelistic program was well organized and saw contacts being made by members of our church with sellers and buyers in the downtown district. We invited them to attend our church services and told them of the Lord’s soon return. We also encouraged them to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and invited them to read the literature provided.
Approximately 1,300 literature were circulated by H.C.SDA. Books and literature included The Great Controversy, Faith and Works, When God said Remember, Beyond Imagination, Prorities Magazine, Adventist World.