Seventh-day Adventist World Church vote statement on Transgenderism

Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | ANN Staf

The following statement on Transgenderism, or Gender Dysphoria, was voted by the executive committee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church during their annual Spring Meetings.

In his role as chair, Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church urged the statement be voted “with the understanding we may be able to adjust a little phrasing here or there that might make it less abstract.” He went on to say, “The last thing we want to do is chase people away from Christ and the Church. We want them to come to the foot of the cross and His changing grace.”

The Biblical Research Institute Ethics Committee, let by Ekkehardt Mueller, associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, along with ethicists, Biblical scholars, theologians, sociologists, psychologist and members of the medical community, was put in charge of writing the statement.

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