‘The key to longevity is to plant food properly’

A United States-based soil nutritionist who travelled to Jamaica last month to speak at a religious conference in Robin’s Bay, St Mary, has claimed that the prevalence of serious medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes can be reduced, simply by improving the way food is planted, grown, and processed.

Speaking on the second day of an agriculture and entrepreneurship seminar hosted by the North East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, gardening and health foods guru Lynn Hoag urged Jamaican farmers to research the link between healthy soil and nutritious food.

He told Family and Religion: “I’ve come here today to teach people how to grow nutrient-dense foods, which heal and are far more beneficial than even the most expensive organic food you can buy in a grocery store.

“If we can benefit people by growing food this way, obviously, that’s what God would have us to do. We can absolutely heal – using food – serious diseases such as stage four cancers, heart trouble, arthritis, and diabetes. Eating the wrong foods is also a big part of the problem too.

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