Kimarley Walker Medley, Production Assistant/ Resource Coordinator
The new multipurpose Auditorium of the Willowdene Group of Schools was officially opened and dedicated on Sunday July 2, 2017, during the graduation exercise for the High School division.

Dedication of Auditorium named after late Pastor O.B. McKenzie | Credits: Andrew Johnson
The auditorium was dedicated in honor of the late Pastor Benjamin McKenzie, (Pastor O.B. McKenzie)
His wife the late Pearline J. McKenzie and children, (Maurice, Judy and Junior) for their contributions and commitment to its renovations and upkeep for Adventist Christian Education.
The late Pastor O. B. McKenzie was a migrant from Panama to Jamaica, Pastor McKenzie pursued the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology at West Indies College, now Northern Caribbean University. He joined the workforce in Central Jamaica Conference as a Ministerial Intern in January 1954. Subsequently he became District Pastor and was ordained to Gospel Ministry in January 1960.
Between 1955 and April 1989 he served as Ministerial Intern, District Pastor, and Associate Stewardship Director. He was also a member of the Conference and Union Executive committees. Most importantly, he had a passion for Christian Education.