‘Week of Prayer’ for Adventist academy

Buff Bay, Portland:

Students and teachers of the Buff Bay Seventh-day Adventist Academy have sought to highlight the importance of prayer, with a Week of Prayer.

The west Portland school, which is nestled in the heart of Buff Bay, is traditionally known for upholding Christian values and attitudes among its student population, with the aim of grooming students in the basic principles of life and common courtesies.

“Our week of prayer has always reaped success among our students,” said Racquel Boucher, the Week of Prayer coordinator and teacher at that institution.

“Week of Prayer helps students to be aware of the importance of shining for Jesus Christ. The theme is ‘Shine’, and for them to shine for Jesus, they have to be more caring and helpful towards others. It also exemplifies all the admirable attributes of young people from the Bible who shone for Jesus Christ. Week of Prayer is held twice per year and students are very receptive towards this week of prayer,” she added.

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