West Jamaica Conference Elects New Administration

The West Jamaica Conference on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, voted a new administration to lead the Constituency for the Quadrennium 2022-2026 at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Centre, Montego Bay.

After two days of deliberations, departmental reports and voting, the event concluded with the announcement of the elected individuals who will carry the various roles of leadership during the period. Pastor Glen O. Samuels, who was elected to serve as President for the third consecutive quadrennium and fourth overall, used the opportunity to call for a continuity of mission across the territory.

“The hope of humanity rests…. on the faithful accomplishment of the mission that God has given to this church,” said Samuels. “So, I say to West Jamaica, in the context of the mission, ‘Sail On’ thou commissioned remnant people. Humanity in the western sphere of the Island, with all its fears and with all its struggle with violence, hangs breathless awaiting our faithfulness.”

Pastor Samuels went on to express thanks for the vote of confidence expressed in him by the constituents. “Thank you for your vote of confidence but even more than your vote I need your prayers, I need your prayers and your settled commitment that the line will not break where you stand,” appealed Pastor Samuels.

The Conference’s social media followers have reacted to the new appointments with many congratulatory sentiments.
“Congratulations to you all, may God continue to inspire you all as we come together to finish the work of the lord by spreading the everlasting gospel to a world in such darkness, my prayers are with you all, and remember the grace of God is sufficient,” wrote Barbara Panthan on Facebook.

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