On the opening day of its three-day constituency meeting at College Park Adventist Church, delegates of the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists have voted Pastor Mansfield Edwards to a five-year term as president. It is Edward’s third term, having being elected for the first time in 2009 and then again in 2013.
Delegates also voted Pastor David Schwinghammer as vice-president for Administration/executive secretary, and Virene Meikle as treasurer. Schwinghammer has served as interim executive secretary since the end of 2016 after his predecessor, Pastor Gary Hodder, was elected as president of the Alberta Conference in October 2016. Schwinghammer was also director for Stewardship and Worship. Similarly, Meikle, who was associate treasurer at the time, was appointed as treasurer after Ulysses Guarin had been elected as treasurer of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada in August 2016.
He was voted with 82.3 percent of the vote.
After his election, Edwards spoke of the humbling task of being asked to serve for the new quinquennium.
“I am humbled that God has placed this on me. I am also humbled by the confidence that you, as delegates have placed in me. In my own strength, I know that it is misplaced, but I ask you to pray with me that God’s Spirit will be the president of this great confidence and that I will here to do as He commands.”
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