Welcome to this space – the Jamaica Union Conference Youth Ministries Department webpage – where we promote connectivity between youth and youth leaders to engage in the salvation of youth, and equip youth for service.
Having been called to serve at such critical juncture of human existence, I solicit your prayers and support. Help me salute my mentor and Elder Brother, Pastor Michael Henry, who served with passion and commitment, and continues to be resourceful in youth ministries, and I pray for him, God’s favour in his new assignment. I look forward to the joys and challenges as we work together. Let us focus on what we can do to make a difference as we seek to fulfil our God-designed purpose, moving forward in prayer, saying: “Lord Transform Me”.
Never forget that the DNA of Seventh-day Adventism is entrenched with the imprint of determined, active, dedicated young people. They were not afraid to revolutionise the religious landscape of their times. Youthful Pioneers made substatial contributions to the development of this mission-oriented movement. They were constant in prayer, and committed to the unearthing of Bible Truths, which we now treasure. Every youth has a place, and every youth can make a difference, not only within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but also in other social spaces.
As masters of our circumstances, let us capitalise on the benefits of the network society as we use technology to surmount the hurdles we face. I hope that you will find these resources useful. We will make continual updates so as to improve and standardise operations. Your constructive suggestions and positive contributions are always welcome. By God’s grace, we all can champion the cause of working in harmony to show the world we care.
Let us unite, connect and share, as we get ready for the final transformation.
Information for: Master Guide, Adventurer, Adventist Youth and Pathfinder
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Master Guide | Adventurer | |
Adventist Youth | Pathfinder | |
General Forms | ||