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The North Jamaica Conference walked away with the 2019 Heritage Quiz Awards at the finals of this year's competition which was held at the Kencot Adventist Church on October 12, 2019. The 5th staging of the event, organized by the Ministerial Department of the Jamaica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (JAMU), saw the participation of the five local conferences after the eliminations, which took place locally between the churches of each conference.  [caption id="attachment_10116" align="alignleft" width="300"] Members and friends of the North Jamaica Conference winning team[/caption] This year, participants were questioned on the book of Revelation chapters 1-12, chapters 11-15 of the Church Heritage Manual and the history of the Adventist Church in Jamaica.  Second place went to  the defending champions, Central Jamaica Conference while the North East Jamaica Conference placed third.  Ministerial Director of the Jamaica Union Conference and organizer of the event, Pastor Joseph Smith, shared with the attendees the history of the initiative. “It was inspired by Ellen White’s statement that ‘we have nothing to fear for the future except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and his teaching in our past history”.  Smith also shared his concern of church members lacking knowledge of church history and the scriptures.  “We have discovered that many of our members are not heeding the unction of 1 Peter 3:15, which states that we should be ready to give everyone an answer for the reason for the hope that is in us. We must get back to the state where Seventh-day Adventists people are known as people of the book”.    He also applauded the Conferences’ ministerial directors for their participation in planning the event and formulating questions.  Associate Secretary of the Jamaica Union, Mrs. Doreen Green, in bringing greetings on behalf of the Jamaica Union Administrators, expressed that the event has had the full support of the Jamaica Union leaders and staff.  “The overall thrust of this exercise…is really to encourage our members to know the doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and be aware of our heritage. The sacrifices and commitment our forefathers made in spreading the gospel… to share their passion, carrying on the mission to its conclusion.” said Grant. Each team was strategically setup to have four individuals including a child under 13 years, a youth, an elder and any other person. This was to signify the passing down of the doctrines of the Church from generation to generation.  The winners were awarded a cash prize as well as a trophies and medals.  The Jamaica Union Bible and Heritage Quiz was launched in 2015 as part of the 125th Anniversary of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica.  [caption id="attachment_10121" align="alignnone" width="300"] EJC Team[/caption] [caption id="attachment_10122" align="alignnone" width="300"] NEJC Team[/caption] [caption id="attachment_10123" align="alignnone" width="300"] WJC Team[/caption]

North Jamaica Conference Cops 2019 Bible and Heritage Quiz Awards

The North Jamaica Conference walked away with the 2019 Heritage Quiz Awards at the finals of this year’s competition which was held at the Kencot…

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Jamaica Union Mourns the Passing of a Dedicated Worker

The entire Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) was plunged in mourning on Monday, November 11 when colleagues and friends of Aldane Codling learnt of his passing.…

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WJC president renews call for mandatory military service

Pastor Glen Samuels, the president of the West Jamaica Conference (WJC)of Seventh-day Adventists, is renewing a call he made 12 years ago for mandatory military…

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Video – Deaf haven: congregants happy for SDA space where they feel connected

REALISING that there was a significant need for a church that caters to people with disabilities, the Jamaica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) launched its Deaf Church in Portmore, St Catherine. Four years on, the congregation continues to grow, moving from eight members to 30. Overall, the church caters to some 75 with an…

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CJC’s Kimesha Chambers is JAMU Bible Connection 2019 Champion

Kimesha Chambers of Central Jamaica Conference was crowned Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) Bible Connection 2019 champion. She emerged as champion from a knowledgeable group of…

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Seventh-day Adventist Church initiates global prayer campaign #Pray4Burundi

On October 24, Burundi Union President, Lamec Barishinga, was arrested on his way to meetings at the East-Central African division offices in Nairobi, Kenya. This arrest is the latest in an escalating series of events between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the government of Burundi. Read more: Appeal from Seventh-day Adventist World Church President for…

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Seventh-day Adventist World Church President writes letter to Adventist members in Burundi

Dear Seventh-day Adventist brothers and sisters in Burundi, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The videos and images of suffering Seventh-day Adventists victims of police brutality, which circulate in social media for all to see, have touched our hearts. We are aware of the intimidation, the persecution, the imprisonment of…

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Northern Caribbean University exploring renewable energy

The Mandeville-based Northern Caribbean University (NCU) says it is exploring the expansion of its infrastructure in renewable energy with the help of partnerships as it confronts global climate change. Speaking at the official launch of the book Confronting Global Climate change: Experiments and Applications in the Tropics at the university’s main campus recently, NCU president…

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Stellar Grads | ‘They would want to see me achieve,’ says NCU grad – 28-y-o loses eight family members and mentors in university

Darriane Taylor’s bareknuckled battle with depression has left him with scars that he now wears with pride as a badge of honour, and he believes that his life story will inspire others to be survivors. The Seventh-day Adventist recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in religion with a minor in family life education…

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Generous Adventists Still Committed To CRH, Says Glen Samuels

While two years has elapsed since the West Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists’ (WJC) took the decision to allow the embattled Cornwall Regional Hospital (CRH) to use its facilities to provide some of its services, the church remains committed to continuing its assistance, albeit some of its own projects have been severely affected. “Assisting the…

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